As a We Honor Veterans Partner, there are five levels your organization can achieve. Each level guides you through specific activities using practical resources to progressively increase your ability to serve Veterans. Moving through the partner levels increases your organization’s knowledge and capacity to serve the Veterans in your community. It also demonstrates that your organization is making an active commitment to Veterans. When people in the community see that your organization is growing in the We Honor Veterans program, they’ll know that you can provide Veterans with compassionate care that is specific to their needs and goals.
The primary goals of each Partner level
Level 1
Provide Veteran-centric education for staff and volunteers, and identify patients with military experience
Level 2
Build organizational capacity to provide quality care for Veterans
Level 3
Develop and strengthen relationships with VA medical centers and other Veteran organizations
Level 4
Increase access and improve quality of care for Veterans in your community
Level 5
Expand partnerships with other organizations in your community and other hospice providers to share knowledge and serve as a mentor
How to Earn Your Stars
Hospices can “earn their stars” and matching logo by completing activities for each of the four levels of commitment. This enables VA staff and Veterans to easily identify hospices that have made a commitment to offer Veteran-specific care and services provided by a competent and highly skilled workforce.
As a Partner, hospices may promote their level of commitment to Veterans by displaying the We Honor Veterans Partner logo on their websites, as well as community outreach and educational materials.
Examples of WHV Level Activities
- Recruit – Complete and submit the WHV Partner Commitment form.
- Level 1 – Ask about military history and know what to do with the answer. Using the Military History Checklist or similar questions, hospice staff can learn more about the Veteran’s military service and the implications it may have for the care and services to be provided by the hospice staff. We Honor Veterans Educational materials are designed to ensure the staff are prepared to meet the Veteran’s needs.
- Level 2 – Partner to improve care. Through Hospice-Veteran Partnership (HVP) development between community hospices, state hospice organizations and VA facilities, collaborative efforts ensure that excellent care at the end of life is available for our nation’s Veterans and their families.
- Level 3 – Extend VA and community reach to improve care and access.
- Level 4 – Improve quality by measuring the impact of VA and community interventions.