January 18, 2023 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST
Join WHV and Opus Peace to learn how to create effective ceremonies that respond to Veterans’ needs – especially the Soul Injuries that Veterans often acquire. Let “warrior wisdom” show you how carefully-crafted ceremonies can help Veterans learn to move from deadening their loss and hurt to mourning their pain, hiding their guilt to learning how to forgive themselves and others, and much more.
Deborah Grassman has personally taken care of more than 10,000 dying Veterans. This changed her. In this webinar, she shares what they taught her. You will be changed too. You will learn about how to create effective ceremonies that respond to Veterans’ needs – especially the SOUL INJURIES that Veterans often acquire. Let “warrior wisdom” show you how carefully-crafted ceremonies can help Veterans learn to move from:
• deadening their loss and hurt to mourning their pain
• hiding their guilt to learning how to forgive themselves and others
• being ashamed of not being good enough to releasing fears of who they are and who they are not
• numbing helplessness by trying to control things they can’t control to feeling their helplessness in uncontrollable situations
1.5 CEs for Nurses and Social Workers
Certifications for: Addiction Professional (MCAP), Addiction Professional (CAP), Addiction Counselor (CAC), Behavioral Health Case Manager (CBHCM), Behavioral Health Case Manager Supervisor (CBHCMS), Behavioral Health Case Manager Supervisor (CBHCMS), Prevention Professional (CPP), Prevention Specialist (CPS), Mental Health Professional (CMHP), Recovery Peer Specialist (CRPS), Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS), Recovery Residence Administrator (CRRA), Gambling Addiction Counselor (CGAC), Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS), Telehealth Practitioner (CTP), Community Health Worker (CCHW), Child Protection Team Medical Provider (CPTMP), Peer Specialist (NCPS)